NOTICE: This website was created by an independent student organization at the University of Connecticut. The views and opinions expressed within are strictly those of the page authors. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut and should be verified independently.


Here you will find a variety of professional resources full of great tips for the professional world. It will be helpful as you begin talking to companies and applying for jobs.

Tips for Resumes


  • Some jobs you are applying to will request references.
  • It is polite to ask someone before listing them as a reference. You can say: “I was wondering if you would be willing to provide me a GOOD reference.”
  • If you have references, you can write on your resume “References available upon request.”
  • Make sure your references know what you are applying for.
  • Your references should be relevant to what you are applying for. If you are applying for an engineering position, your coach or english professor may not be the best choice.


  • Your resume should only be one page, never more.
  • The goal of a resume is to land an interview. You can elaborate further in person.
  • Focus on leadership positions. If you were in charge of a group, include the number of people you led.
  • The most relevant and important positions should have no more than three bullets.
  • Most entries should be one line.
  • Focus on setting yourself apart.
  • If you are a senior, include a blip about your senior design project.
  • Nothing should be older than three years.

Important Sections:

  • Separate your experience into “Work Experience” and “Volunteer Experience”.
  • You don’t need to include your high school in education.
  • Include RELEVANT coursework. You don’t need to include the grade, just include your GPA.
  • Include a Skills section. It is wise to use descriptive adjectives. Some examples are: “basic skills in MatLab”, “advanced in conversational Spanish” or “proficient at java”.
  • In your skills section, you can include Microsoft Office. Most people assume that if you are graduating at our age you know these, however some people in industry still do not.
  • Objective Sections are optional. If you have space, you can add it. An example would be “Seeking an internship in the Aerospace industry.” If you choose to include this, it is essential that it reflect YOU. Never google one or copy if from a friend. If you do not have one, just leave it off.

Tips for a Career Fair

  • DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Find out about what the companies do and come with specific questions for the company.
  • Ask about entry level engineering positions.
  • Visit the companies you are most interested in 3rd or 4th, this will give you a chance to practice and also a chance to observe what other people are asking. Jot down any additional questions you may come up with.
  • When you are talking to a representative, try and get your resume in early. This will give them a chance to see your name and hear it, and hopefully remember your conversation when they later review resumes. It also gives them the opportunity to scan your resume, ask you questions, and jot down notes.
  • Dont forget, dress to impress. Business casual attire is a must. Jeans and a t-shirt are your enemy. Skirts should not be too short and tops should not be too revealing. Look classy and professional.