NOTICE: This website was created by an independent student organization at the University of Connecticut. The views and opinions expressed within are strictly those of the page authors. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut and should be verified independently.

Chair Officers

Professional Director: This person is directly responsible for any events and programs related to the professional development and professional relationships of UConn SWE. This includes coming up with ideas and events that would help our members be more prepared for internships and/or full time positions as well as interviews, resumes, and career fairs. They oversee the Company Relations, Professional Development and Alumni Officers and reports back to the E-Board.

Company Relations Officer: This person is responsible for maintaining existing or developing new relationships with companies. Includes keeping in contact with recruiters for events, setting up company visits in General Body or events on campus and relaying the information back to the Professional Director. This also includes handling any sponsorship partners for UConn SWE.

Profession Development Officer: This person is responsible for promoting professional development skills and opportunities to the General Body. This includes planning professional development themed meetings and/or scheduling guest speakers or seminars in or outside SWE. This includes meetings like the annual Resume Critique, communicating with the Center for Career Development for visits/seminars, and getting everyone ready for the career fairs each semester. Position reports back to the Professional Director.

Special Programs Director: This person is responsible for the overseeing and supervising of the following officer positions: New Member and Outreach and for applying for funding to ensure that the various programs can continue running. This position involves frequent communication to the E-board and the constant knowledge and organization of their officers and their tasks. Should help with any relevant events and have ideas for things such as, New Member Meetings, outreach, or mentor-mentee events throughout the semester. This officer is also responsible for assisting EBoard with planning social events outside of general body meeting times.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer: This position works to encourage diversity in SWE. This involves promoting inclusive recruitment and maintaining representation in social media posts and on our website. The DEI officer will maintain the anonymous diversity and inclusion feedback survey and will coordinate a diversity and inclusion workshop once per semester (ex. NCCJ workshop). This officer will serve as a resource and point of contact for conflicts or grievances externally / internally. The position will communicate frequently with cultural centers, VII organizations, and SWE Eboard to collaborate on meetings or outreach events. Position reports to the EBoard and Special Programs Director.

New Member Officer(s): This person is responsible for planning, recruiting, and running the New Member Meetings. This may involve going to ENGR 1000 classes or other lectures to promote SWE in general. The main goal of the New Member program is to get women to understand what the UConn SWE section can do for women in engineering and how they can be a part of it. Meetings include games, motivation for women in STEM, and advice from other members about classes and UConn in general. This position is also responsible for running our Mentor-Mentee Program. Responsibilities include recruiting mentors, assigning mentors to new members (mentees) and planning mentor-mentee events to strengthen relationships, for example, inviting mentors to new member meetings twice a month. Position reports to the Special Programs Director.

Outreach Officer(s): There are four outreach officers who are responsible for planning MYO, keeping SWE involved with local schools, and recruiting volunteers for outreach events. All outreach officers report to the Special Programs Director.

MYO External Communication Officer: This position is responsible for recruiting schools to participate in MYO. They are also responsible for reaching out to companies, alumni, and working women to fill positions for Tools Clues and keynote speakers.

MYO Internal Communication Officer: This position is responsible for recruiting volunteers for MYO (including SWE members and other female engineers at UConn). This officer will organize and facilitate workshop training for all volunteers. Responsible for communicating with SWE important updates about MYO (during general body meetings, new member meetings, and events).

MYO VII Communication Officer: This position attends weekly meetings with other engineering organizations who help run MYO. This officer will act as a liaison between SWE MYO officers and other VII members to ensure both parties are updated on the planning process.

Community Outreach Officer: This position is responsible for finding and creating opportunities for SWE members to volunteer as an organization. This position will reach out to local schools and organizations about planning outreach events. This position will also plan one meeting per semester focused on volunteering and service.

Public Relations Director: This person is responsible for overseeing and supervising the activities of the following officer positions: Analytics and Retention Officer, and Digital Media Officers. This position involves planning events to bring the leadership closer together as well as planning fundraising events. This position is responsible for supporting the analytics and retention officer with the planning for involvement fairs and recruiting new members with the Diversity Equity and Inclusion officer. This position also helps plan alumni events and creates graphics / presentations based on data collected to be shared with future sponsors and on our SWE website. This position includes frequent communication with the E-board and other EDOC organizations. Should have event, social media, and fundraising ideas prepared throughout the semester and offer help to any of their officers for events and organization promotions. Position reports to the secretary.

Analytics and Retention Officer: This person is responsible for maintaining records of member volunteer and service hours in UContact. This member maintains member attendance records and collects any data needed on our members. Additionally, this member is responsible for keeping an open line of communication with our UConn SWE Alumni. This involves writing an Alumni Newsletter two times a semester and ensuring the Alumni email list is accurate and up to date. This role helps plan alumni events with the Public relations director and helps recruit members at involvement fairs. Position reports back to the Public relations director and works closely with the professional director and secretary.

Digital Media Officer(s): This position is responsible for maintaining the UConn SWE website and the UConn SWE social media accounts. It is important to attend as many meetings and SWE events as possible to take pictures which will be shared on our Instagram and website. Instagram stories will be posted frequently to advertise events and let members know about the weekly schedule. This position is required to make many graphics throughout the semester to promote events. Instagram posts are for pictures of events/meetings, in addition to any "themed series" (ex: Senior Spotlight, Women's History Month, Black History Month, etc.). The website will be updated throughout the semester to display what we have been doing throughout the semester. This position will work closely with the analytics and retention officer to create graphics to post on the website to show statistics of SWE (member involvement, average volunteer hours of each member, community impact…). This position reports to the Public Relations Director.